
Keeping my sporting gear safe

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Keeping my sporting gear safe

When my wife moved in she told me I needed to throw out the stuff in my spare room! I told her there was no way I was throwing out my mountain bike, snowboards, golf clubs... and she told me I needed to get a storage unit. Now I've got my sporting gear stored out of her sight, and I convinced her to put her flowery couch in the unit as well. Now I've got someone to stash all of my impulse buys - I've just got store it all so she never realises how much stuff we have stashed in there!

Two Accessories to Invest in for Your New Storage Unit

If you've just rented a storage unit, you might want to invest in these two accessories for it.

Battery-powered string lights

It's worth getting one or two long sets of battery-powered string lights and hanging them along the walls of the storage unit. Whilst a typical storage unit will always have at least one overhead lightbulb, you should still get this accessory even if your unit has its own light. The reason for this is that whilst this overhead light can do a good job of illuminating the unit when it's not too full, you might find that areas of your unit get cast in shadow by the large piles of boxes you put into it if this lightbulb is your only light source. If or when this occurs, you might find it challenging to locate items that are stored in these shadowy areas without the use of a flashlight.

Wall-mounted string lights are the ideal solution to this issue, as when strung across the length of each of the unit's walls, they'll illuminate every part of the unit, including the areas that the overhead light cannot, due to piles of boxes being in the way. This extra light source will not only allow you to find things faster but will also reduce the chances of you tripping over objects as a result of having to walk through dark areas of the unit.

Removable wall hooks

The other accessory that could improve your storage unit's functionality is a pack of removable wall hooks (these are hooks that are attached with temporary adhesive, rather than nails or screws). The reason for this is that you'll probably find that you occasionally need to put smaller, unboxed items into the unit that can be hung up (this might include belts, dog leads, cables, etc.)

If you have hooks on the wall that you can hang these items on, you won't have to spend time deciding which boxes to put them in and then opening and reclosing these boxes. Furthermore, on those occasions when you're in a rush, you'll be less tempted to toss these small objects onto the floor instead of storing them properly (which could result in them eventually getting trodden on or misplaced). Additionally, if you can utilise the wall space in the unit for storing small odds and ends, the unit's floor space won't fill up as fast and you'll be less likely to find yourself in need of a larger unit.